Time for a new season!

As you may have realised by now - fall has taken the city again. I don't know about your city, but Lörrach and Basel have definitely arrived in that beautiful but also cold season again.
The picture above is capturing pretty well, how I experience this autumn this year. Allthough there is an undeniable beauty in it, it is also a time of limited sight. Whether this is because of fog and rain or as in my case because of tons of new options and ways, that have opened up and make it hard to decide for one direction in particular.

In the end of September I have finally started my bible school in Bern and so far I can say - I absolutely love it and I'm pretty sure, that I will continue to study here. Although right now there are a couple of essays and tasks I have to finish within the next three weeks (and I have never been good in planning ahead) I am absolutely pleased with the way everything is working out. I have the chance to improve my skills of making plans, sticking to them, manage my time properly etc. If everything goes as planned, I will be done in another 4 years and I'll have the Bachelor of Arts in social diaconry. This will make it possible for me, to work in different kinds of social institutions, welfare organisations or churches.

Haven't decided on that one yet...

Next to my studies I have also started to work in a new job in Basel. But as time goes by I more and more realise, that moving to Switzerland, at least for the next 4 years is a step I want to take. 
Although I love traveling around, it will make things a lot easier, if I can stay in the same country. 

I am depending on Gods care for me, and so I'm confident, that I will find a place to make myself at home soon.
I am very thankful for your prayers there!

Since I am currently on the road (Swiss trains - I love them), it's hard to find time just for myself.
Two weeks ago I decided to escape to the southern most part of Switzerland, which is also a very famous spot: The Toblerone-Mountain also known as Matterhorn.
It was such an amazing day: The view on top of that 3'800m mountain was just mind-blowing. It was freezing, full of snow and windy - but worth every second!
On my 4hours long way back I was still filled with amazement and the knowledge of beeing incredibly blessed!

That little break was so much needed and gave me the boost for everything to come.

I have decided to keep this blog in English, since I will have my newsletter in German. 
Please feel free to contact me!

Lots of love to all of you!

Yours, Sarah <3

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  • #1

    Michael (Donnerstag, 15 Oktober 2015 17:59)

    Ich freu mich schon auf den deutschen Newsletter :-)
    Danke für die guten Nachrichten. Ich wünsche dir, dass du mehr und mehr Gott kennenlernst und dir das Studium Segen bereitet.