Life goes on...

Hello everybody :)

It has been almost 4 weeks now, that I left the States and came back to Germany. It has been  really good to see all my friends and family again and I can't wait to meet some more.
Nevertheless I miss my hostkids, hostfamilies, friends and Houston a lot and I can't wait to meet some of you very soon!

The last couple of weeks have been busy with unpacking and arriving mentally. I tried to help my mom with her daycarecenter as well as volunteering once a week in a shelter/home kinda thing for refugees.

It is quite challenging but also lots of fun. It is so good to see how these people, who are desperate for someone to just talk to them or give them a hug, invite you in their small rooms to share whatever they have with you.

The gratefulness and appreciation that comes from them is ashaming, and I think that lots of people can and should learn from them.


Other than that I had my trialday in Basel last Monday and it has been amazing.

Everyone is so nice and welcoming and though you can see that it is not always gonna be easy (which it doesn't have to be) I would be thrilled if it really works out!
I still have to wait for some paperwork but so far I think that I can do my internship in Basel very soon!
I also looked at a room in an appartement close to my future workplace. It belongs to a friend of mine and it is just perfect. :D

I am so excited and I can't wait to tell you more about my work! I'll tell you more soon :


I love you all so much and I'll see you soon!
xoxo Sarah :*

Hallo nochmal ihr Lieben :D

Am Montag hatte ich meinen Probetag in Basel und es war wirklich sehr beeindruckend alles kennenzulernen und einen kurzen Einblick in diese wundervolle Arbeit dort zu bekommen.

Ich bin schon sehr gespannt darauf, wie das dann wirklich alles werden wird aber für jetzt bin ich einfach nur erleichtert, dass die Leute mich so freundlich empfangen haben und ich mich so wohl fühlen konnte!


Auch habe ich ein Zimmer in einer Wohnung bekommen undbefasse mich nun also (schon wieder) felissig mit umpacken und umziehen :D

Sobald ich Genaueres weiss und spätestens wenn ich dort angekommen bin, werde ich hier natürlich mehr verraten und berichten.


Bis bald,

eure Sarah :)

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